Beautiful siblings
I have the PLEASURE to invite you AGAIN to a REUNION, a sibling playground experience, in my retreat center in Sweden from the 22– to 27:th of August 2023.
As you know In August 2019 a group of VITA siblings met and created a playground for discovering the a new blueprint of being together.
It blew my mind, filled up my cup, and showed me what a strong, alive open, connected, vulnerable, competent, authentic, loving, playful women look like when she is embodied inside me and outside me.
We had six days, and 15 workshops co-created by the participants with jade-egg, sex magic, blow job, and relationship themes. female leadership, dancing, breath-work, sharing circles, energy rituals, yoni-painting, and more on the schedule.
We swam naked in lakes, had saunas, and extremely healthy and yummy food and chocolate and coffee. We hugged and cuddled and celebrated. It was a week of healing, gifts and pleasure, and sisterhood learning.
So, I want to do it again! Because I deeply believe that we need to discover this together. And that I have the means to be a part of creating the playground that we need for this.
This is an opportunity to come together and support each other in our evolutionary, revolutionary, development, and expansion.
To expand the current paradigm, it is necessary to have a group that can mirror and support the new growing truth that is being shaped so we can have the courage to be visionaries and pioneers. Even when questioned by the current norm.
I LOVE you all, this group is an exceptionally unique group because we already created so much change together and rephrases the norm together.
This is a great opportunity to keep supporting each other and develop more POWER.
We will rent my chef, who will make a special BOSS menu for us, an organic, vegan, health-conscious delicious superfood. We will share that cost for her and the basic supplies we need. It will be SEK 400 (EUR 400) for the whole week!!
NOTE If you cannot pay the suggested amount. You are still welcome to come and pay what is possible or even nothing. Then just text me and Ill send you a Pay Pal link.
There are only 20 beds, so if you want to make sure you get a spot. Make your reservation already now. If there is for any reason not enough interest (10) by the end of July. I will cancel the event and your payment will be refunded.
When you book you pay in full as you claim your spot. And there is no refund. But you can give your spot to someone else.
I have 21 beds in different-sized shared rooms in a hippy yogi-style house (not a fancy hotel but so high vibrations).
When we know who is coming, a couple of weeks before the retreat, we will make a workshop schedule depending on what super skills are available in this group.
Come share, grow, love, open, and be in the flow of integrated sexual energy and sisterhood.
More about my place:
It is located on the west coast of Sweden. Just outside Varberg. It is in a beech forest area, just outside a small village, within walking distance to some lakes we you can skinny dip and 15 min drive to the somewhat cold but beautiful ocean. There are some places with nude sauna and skinny dipping though...
It has 18 beds divided in
Two single rooms
Five double rooms
One 6-bed dorm room
And 3 extra beds that can be placed in any of the other rooms if needed
A big homey kitchen and a vegan vegetarian health Yogi chef.
A sauna
A workshop room
Lots of gongs and sound healing instruments
To get here book a flight to Gothenburg which is a 1-hour drive from here and perfect if you rent a car or you can take the airport bus to Gothenburg and the train to Varberg
or Copenhagen where you can get on a train at the airport that takes 2.5 h to reach Varberg
The intention for our gathering in August:
You belong! We share our gifts! We expand together!
We want to experience siblinghood by co-creating these beautiful days together!
The idea for each day is a consistent flow:
ENERGY: We intend to start the day together by bringing up our energy
(Jade egg, gentle breath work, yoni yoga… and jade egg ☺) Share your gifts!
LEARNING: The workshop is there to learn about any fun, amazing, exciting, mind-blowing topic! Share your gifts!
PLAY: Extra time in the afternoons to just play! Skinny dipping, dance, rest, chitchat, body paint, naked hiking, cacao ceremony, rolling in the sun – whatever makes your heart sing. This is spontaneous and done with whoever wants to join.
CONNECTION: Let's meet after dinner for an evening ritual, either vibrant or soothing. But most important connecting. Share your gifts!
2. PLEASE NOTE: Morning energy practices, workshops, and evening rituals are a co-creation by those who are passionate to offer something!
Reach out to us and let us know what you would like to offer. These practices will be pre-planned in the schedule and we ask you to prepare for what you would like to share.
Playtime is unplanned and completely free!!
22. August
Arrival during the day officially starts at 5 pm with a short introduction, and dinner, followed by a surprise ritual.
23. – 26. August
07:30 – 08:30 Good Morning!! Bring up that Queen ENERGY!
09:00 – 10:30 Breakfast (YUM!!)
11:00 - 13:00 Workshop (mind-blowing stuff – all your gifts are
13:00 – 14:00 Lunch (OMG, delicious!! ☺)
14:00 – 18:00 PLAY TIME!!!! Free, unplanned, and spontaneous
18:00 – 19:30 Dinner (Oh yes!!)
19:30 – 21:00 Evening ritual
27. August
07:30 – 08:30 Our last Good Morning for an ENERGY practice!
09:00 – 10:30 Breakfast (YUM!!)
11:00 - 13:00 Time for packing and goodbye ceremony
13:00 – 14:00 Lunch (all the goodness before the travel starts)
PLEASE NOTE: If you want to stay an extra night before or after that is also possible. But you have to take care of your meals as the chef is there for the duration of the 22-27th. August. We can all find a restaurant nearby or cook together.
How to arrive
Fly to Copenhagen and take a train from the airport to Varberg (approx. 2.5hrs)
Fly to Gothenburg and take the airport bus to the central station and the train to Varberg (approx. 2hrs)
In Varberg there will be pick-ups to the retreat space
The exact address is klef 51, 43277 Tvååker, Sweden, for those who plan to arrive by car
Emma's number is in case it is needed: +46761456913
Remember to bring
Your towel for showering and swimming
Comfortable clothes for practices
Something warm as Sweden's summer night can still be cold
Queen dress for dance/ ritual/ feeling beautiful
Sneakers or shoes good for forest walks
Jade Egg
Skin-friendly oil
Pen and paper